Thursday, February 28, 2013

Identifying Negative Space

This house displays a lot of negative space, with just a door and small window seeming insignificant next to all the negative space.

vehicle signage:
This Decorama vehicle shows a lot of negative space on the car itself, which the slightly different shaded sign blends with. The sign also contains mostly negative space and text but with a small watermark backdrop.

natural environment:
The first thing I thought of when I thought "negative space in nature" is a plain grassy field.

Negative space around the area that is not widescreen on this fullscreen 4:3 footage presented in widescreen 16:9.

Negative space behind the foreground to keep the attention on the photo.

automotive design:
Enough negative space to fit a driver.

human anatomy:
The skin around the tattoo could be considered negative space.

The most visited website online uses mostly negative space, with the logo and search underneath in the centre of the page.

magazine / comic / newspaper:
Negative space to match the title of this made-up magazine.

street signage:
Negative space behind the street name to enhance readability.