Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Poster Design (Using type to express feelings/ emotions)

I have used the colour gold to emphasize the quote. I have also attempted to recreate gold bars of a cage with the vertical quotes. The background quotes are all behind the cage, or stuck/locked in it. But the front quote is outside the bars with the stronger, bolder message. This may suggest to the viewer weakness of the items in the cage as opposed to the strength of the item outside the cage.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Typeface Panel

Courier New
Courier was originally designed by Howard Kettler in 1955. It was then redrawn for a series of IBM electric typewriters by Adrian Frutiger, though IBM never secured legal exclusivity to the typeface so it became a typewriter standard. It has also become an industry standard for screenplays to be written in the font.

Courier New was introduced with Windows 3.1, which is an updated version featuring higher line space and heavier punctuation. It is produced by Monotype.

It is monospaced, which means characters line up verically, which is also another reason it may be used over other typefaces.

It has a very formal, thin quality and can be used for a vintage typewriter look. It's spacing and size make it an easy font to read. The typeface was almost released under the name "Messenger", but designer Kettler was quoted saying that the courier "radiates dignity, prestige, and stability."


Sketching layouts

Monday, March 11, 2013

Gutenberg Flow

Our eyes are drawn immediately to the "BAT FOR LASHES, THE HAUNTED MAN" advertisement for the new album, then diagonally towards the links at the bottom of the page (firstly on the right).

Friday, March 8, 2013

Grid layout

This Hard Rock Cafe shirt design is one big group of mess, with each image making up one giant focus point.

This cover of one of Pearl Jam's many 2000 live releases (all with similar layouts) aims to give a typewriter/stamped feel with no grid.